Envy TV Series.
Synopsis: Envy will be an in-depth look into the seductive world of Detroit's nightlife. It will feature a cast of 8 to 10 hardworking twenty-somethings, struggling to make a living and escape their hard lives, while reaching for the stars. The series features a list of intoxicating characters: Jen "The Star" Stevens, Tony "The Fabulous" Williams, Alex "The Flirt" Bates, Jason "The Enforcer" Washington, Hannah "The Sweetheart" Reed, Chris "The Lover" Holmes, Heather "The Mystery" Rodriguez, Bryson "The Stud" Walsh, Steve "The New guy" Ensign, Sean "The Player" Giovanni, Sarah "The Troublemaker" Jones, Patti "the resentful sister" Cullen and Rick "the boss" Cullen.
Creators: Jessica L. Ransom and Veronica Heffron
Director: Jessica L. Ransom
Writer: Jessica L. Ransom
Casting Director: Veronica Heffron
Executive Producer & Editor: Jessica L. Ransom
Supervising Producer: Case Aiken
Coordinating Producer: Veronica Heffron
Director of Photography: Alexander Peterson
(See Envy vimeo page for full credits)
Website: https://vimeo.com/envytvseries